Ravikanth Chaganti

Ravikanth Chaganti

5 Posts

Ravikanth [Ravi] Chaganti is a cloud, cloud-native, and AI enthusiast. He is a technologist working on AI infrastructure solutions, multi-cloud infrastructure management and orchestration. He is an automation fanatic and looks for opportunities to automate mundane and complex tasks. He is a multi-year recipient of the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award.

Kube Resource Orchestrator (KRO) - The Basics

Kube Resource Orchestrator (KRO) - The Basics

Kube Resource Orchestrator (KRO) introduces a new Kubernetes-native and cloud-agnostic way to group Kubernetes resources.

Devcontainers for cloud-native application development

Devcontainers for cloud-native application development

Development containers are a great way to develop modern applications. Cloud-native applications usually implement more than one service to provide the application functionality. Using dev containers for microservices-based application development requires more than one container. This is where using Docker Compose with dev containers is useful. This article explores creating a multi-container development environment using VS Code dev containers and Docker Compose.

Using Bicep to provision Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster

Using Bicep to provision Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster

Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) service provides fully managed and highly available OpenShift clusters on Azure jointly operated by Microsoft and Red Hat. There …

Fully Automated Kubernetes Cluster Deployment on Azure in Under 8 Minutes

Fully Automated Kubernetes Cluster Deployment on Azure in Under 8 Minutes

In an earlier article, I had written about provisioning a virtual Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm. I use this method on a laptop with limited resources. This …

Installing and Configuring Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm on Ubuntu

Installing and Configuring Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm on Ubuntu

There are many ways to install and configure a Kubernetes cluster for learning and development purposes. We can use Docker Desktop, Rancher Desktop, Podman …