4 Posts


Kube Resource Orchestrator (KRO) - Deploying the sample voting application

Kube Resource Orchestrator (KRO) - Deploying the sample voting application

Extending what you learned in the previous article on the basics of kro, this article demonstrates a few more features of kro with the help of a sample voting application.

Kube Resource Orchestrator (KRO) - The Basics

Kube Resource Orchestrator (KRO) - The Basics

Kube Resource Orchestrator (KRO) introduces a new Kubernetes-native and cloud-agnostic way to group Kubernetes resources.

Fully Automated Kubernetes Cluster Deployment on Azure in Under 8 Minutes

Fully Automated Kubernetes Cluster Deployment on Azure in Under 8 Minutes

In an earlier article, I had written about provisioning a virtual Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm. I use this method on a laptop with limited resources. This …

Installing and Configuring Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm on Ubuntu

Installing and Configuring Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm on Ubuntu

There are many ways to install and configure a Kubernetes cluster for learning and development purposes. We can use Docker Desktop, Rancher Desktop, Podman …